Dawson Moments—January 2007


Kissing Kate

Dawson was leaving school a little early. He ususally stays later and plays with his friends, especially Katie and Alina Rose. On this day, it was clear that Kate and Dawson were going to miss their extra play time in the later afternoon. So, here’s what happened:


Kate decides to wait at the Good-Bye Gate and wave to Dawson again as he is leaving school. Dawson walks by the gate, waves and calls a good-bye, but Kate is saying something we can’t quite hear. Dawson stops walking and turns to me and says, “I think she wants a kiss or something.” Dawson puts down the things he has been carrying to the car and walks over to the gate. I can see that Dawson and Kate are talking about something, but I can’t hear what they are saying. Then, they swivel their heads a bit and manage to give each other a kiss through the chain link fence! Dawson turns to walk away and Kate calls, “Dawson, you’re my boyfriend!”




Dawson’s First Homework Assignment

About two weeks ago when I was picking up Dawson from preschool, he went to his cubby to get something. It was a little brown lunch bag with a note attached, explaining that the kids in Dawson’s class wanted to collect some  things, and each child could put the things in the bag and bring it to school to share.


Once we got home, I had forgotten about the bag, but Dawson remembered and brought it out of the car. He wanted to start collecting things right away! Even though it was probably 50 degress outside (or colder b/c were having a cold spell!), Dawson wanted to walk around the whole backyard and frontyard until it got dark. We spent a good 30 minutes out there, collecting seed pods, acorns, rocks, bark, and other treasures from the backyard.


The next day, Dawson was the only child who brought the bag back to share. His teacher let him share and she gave him a lollipop! J





The New Classroom

There are three classrooms in the pre-school, and up until yesterday Dawson had been in the Art Studio classroom (for the 3-4 year olds).  On Wednesday (the 25th), the teacher in the Science Room (for 4-5 year olds) told me that she had invited Dawson to move his cubby over to the Science Classroom and join the older children for Morning Meeting. She said that he hadn’t made the move yet, but was thinking about it. On the way home in the car, I asked him about the move. When I told Kate’s mom about it, we decided we would tell Kate about the invitation because Kate would probably encourage him to move into her classroom (or possibly take charge and move his cubby for him!). On Friday, January 26, Dawson moved his cubby to the Science Room. Nanna Banana (you may know her as Mom or Susan) picked him up that day, and Dawson told Nanna that he had moved his cubby but that he was not going to tell me! As it turned out, Dawson started talking about the cubby move as soon as he saw me that evening, and it was also the first thing he talked about the next morning. We still don’t know exactly when he’ll start kindergarten, but he’s in the Science Room!